Every two years, La Perruque invites its contributors to share their typography design practices during convivial events in Brussels. They are also an occasion for the magazine to exhibit all of its issues.
04.2022, École de recherche graphique, Brussels. With So-Hyun Bae, Bye Bye Binary and Fátima Lázaro.
04.2019, Maison du livre, Brussels. With Roxane Gataud, Clément Le Tulle-Neyret, Laurent Müller and Julien Vallet.
04.2017, Atelier Bek, Brussels. With Alice Jauneau, Yoann Minet, We.ch and Laurence Soens (Cassochrome).
04.2016, Atelier Bek, Brussels. With Raphaël Bastide, Axel Benassis, Olivier Bertrand, Justin Bihan, Alex Chavot and Olivier Lebrun.
La Perruque makes available its non-standard format to allow students and graphic designers to experiment with it. As a strong constraint, the non-standard 1 × 90 cm-long format can be a powerful pedagogic tool for graphic design education.
05.2022, Spec uloos, Brussels. With Axel Benassis, David Le Simple and Bachelor 3 students in graphic design, photography and printed images from École Supérieure des Arts de l'image le 75.
→ N.27 – Crickx, Chrystel Crickx & Crickx Lab [to be published]
Invited to lead the ESA Le 75 Crickx Laboratory's closing workshop, the graphic designer Axel Benassis suggested that the students use the restrictive proportions of the La Perruque format to compose a full-scale specimen of Chrystel Crickx's tangible letters. Alternating cut-out letters and their templates, this issue attempts to restore the particular vibration of this unusual font.
04.2022, Académie royale des beaux-arts de Bruxelles, Brussels. With Master students in graphic design.
→ N.26 – Not Comic, Louis Garrido & Harrisson [to be published]
Love it or hate it, the comic sans is finally out of business because of her sister the Not Comic. Straighten out by Harrisson and Louis Garrido and then revived by Comviz's students from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Brussels, the Not Comic is portrayed throughout a comic composition inspired by a famous French caramel candy brand known for their jokes: Carambar.
02.2020, Fig. graphic design festival, Liège.
Workshop participants were invited to edit and design one of the magazine issues: the specimen of Correspondance, a font by Radim Peško. By designing the content and the form, they had to interpret the conceptual foundations and the graphic features of this font. At the same time, they had to find graphic ways to show the characteristics of the typeface.
Designed in the context of Fig., this is the issue N.22 of the magazine.
11.2018, La Cambre, Brussels. With Master 1 students of Atelier de typographie
On the occasion of a workshop at La Cambre visual arts school, a team of Lunarians has taken over the fifteenth issue of La Perruque. Students from different sections (design, graphic communication, typography, animation) have collectively designed Julien Vallet’s font, Mange-pierre. Under the cover of a spatial mission to the Moon (let’s call it Apollo 15), they explore typographic stakes within a cartographic context, offering a utopian application of variable font technology for an essentially typographic map design, made out of “mountain-letters, ocean-ligatures, and river-punctuations.”
While the printed specimen maps a single longitude of the lunar circumference, many other appropriations of Julien Vallet’s font seek to cover the remaining surface of the satellite. All of those (a video mapping, an extended documentation, an animated specimen, and the design of a bespoke exhibition apparatus) reveal and put the author’s typographic intentions to the test. They were shown at Los Atlas artist-run place, Brussels, during the launch of the issue on March 22, 2019, a full-moon day.